Be Movie. Be Brand Tale
In a natural way, relevant people, icons of action, image or behavior can express opinions, thoughts, show situations, moments, etc., to their followers, transferring a clear influence that will be positive as long as it is built from credibility. They generate a large amount of reactions, comments and debates about each publication, creating a social interaction, debate and new stories (engagement). They are an accessible and effective system to disseminate branded content and reach a young, active and open audience.
Coca-Cola y Días Mejores
Unimos a los actores de la serie a través de tres piezas con Coca-Cola como nexo, para compartir confidencias y rememorar lo especial del rodaje y de las vivencias compartidas en el mismo.
Campaña #ShortStoriesByCoke

GLS Un caso de éxito
Snackpills son historias para una marca, contenidos breves de consumo rápido.